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Implant Dentures — Needham, MA

Sturdy, Long-Lasting Tooth Replacement

Confident middle-aged woman with implant dentures in Needham

It is estimated that tens of millions of people are completely edentulous (missing all of their teeth). The majority of these individuals purchase traditional dentures to rebuild their smile. While traditional dentures certainly have their advantages, they also come with some big drawbacks. Is there a better way to address extensive tooth loss? For most patients, yes. We are proud to offer implant dentures in Needham. Contact Gillis Dental today to learn more about this remarkable treatment.

Why Choose Gillis Dental for Implant Dentures?

What Are Implant Dentures?

Implant denture on reflective surface, next to mirror

Dental implants are prosthetic tooth roots. Once they are placed in the jaw, they bond with the surrounding bone. They are able to provide an extremely sturdy base of support for the dentures that go on top of them. Implant dentures are more reliable, longer-lasting, and more natural feeling than their traditional counterparts.

There are a few different types of implant dentures. Depending on your circumstances, your implant dentist in Needham might recommend that you receive one of the following:

Fixed/Permanent Implant Dentures

These are permanently attached to the implants that support them; they can only be removed by a dental professional. Many patients enjoy the convenience of always having their replacement teeth in their mouth. The only potential drawback to permanent implant dentures is that they require a significant amount of jawbone density.

Removable Implant Dentures

Removable implant dentures typically require just 2 – 5 dental implants to support them, which means they are suitable for many patients who have lost some bone density in their jaw. They are easy to use; they simply snap onto and off of small attachments on the dental implants.

The Implant Denture Procedure

Implant denture on reflective surface, next to mirror

The implant denture procedure varies from patient to patient, but it usually involves four main stages:

Am I a Candidate for Implant Dentures?

Senior man talking to dentist, learning about implant dentures

Ideal candidates for implant dentures:

If you are not sure if implant dentures are right for you, visit us for a consultation. Most adults do qualify for implant dentures, either right away or following some preliminary treatments, such as a bone graft.

Benefits of Combining Dentures & Dental Implants

Senior woman enjoying the benefits of implant dentures

Implant dentures take more time and money upfront than their traditional counterparts, but the many benefits they offer make them worthwhile. Here are a few advantages you can expect to experience with them:

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