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Tooth-Colored Fillings – Needham, MA

Repair Your Teeth without Affecting Your Smile

In the past, dentists relied primarily on a material called silver amalgam to fill in cavities. While it was quite effective, it had many drawbacks, including its dark color. Happily, modern dentistry has provided a more aesthetically pleasing way to address tooth decay: tooth-colored fillings in Needham. Read on below to learn more about this treatment, and get in touch with us if you believe you could benefit from it.

Why Choose Gillis Dental for Tooth-Colored Fillings?

What Are Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Illustration showing tooth-colored fillings on chewing surfaces of teeth

Tooth-colored fillings are often referred to as white fillings. They may also be called composite resin fillings, after the material that composes them. Composite resin is a special blend of plastic and other substances. It is a flexible material that can easily be inserted into dental cavities to protect a tooth’s inner layers and stop the decay from spreading. These fillings can be shade-matched to blend in seamlessly with the color of the surrounding dentition.

The Process of Getting a Tooth-Colored Filling

Happy patient at appointment to receive tooth-colored fillings

The process of getting a tooth-colored filling is quite fast and relatively simple. We begin by making sure that our patient is comfortable. In many cases, this means that we use local anesthetic to numb the tooth that will receive the filling. However, anesthetic is not always necessary if a cavity is fairly shallow.

Once you are settled into the treatment chair and any anesthetic has had time to take effect, we prepare your tooth for the filling by removing decayed tissue from within the cavity. You may feel some pressure as we do so, but you should not experience any significant pain. Once the tooth is prepared, we insert the filling material. Then, a special light hardens the filling in a matter of seconds. The last step is to shape the filling so it will not interfere with your bite and will feel comfortable against your tongue.

From start to finish, placing a tooth-colored filling takes less than an hour. Immediately after your appointment (or after any numbness wears off), you will be able to eat and drink normally. Some minor sensitivity is to be expected in the treated tooth, but that should wear off within a few days or weeks.

The Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

Smiling man enjoying the benefits of tooth-colored fillings

Some of the top benefits of this restorative service include: